🚀 OpenHubble CLI 1.3.1 is now here!


Intract with Agent

Test, Control, and Debug with Ease

The OpenHubble CLI tool is your go-to interface for testing and interacting with the OpenHubble Agent. Built with Python, this simple yet powerful tool lets you query system metricstest configurations, and debug your Agent—all from the command line.

One of the most popular commands is ping, which lets you quickly check the connection to your Agent:

openhubble-cli ping -h llm.example.com

Whether you’re troubleshootingmonitoring performance, or making quick adjustments, the CLI simplifies the process.

Run It Over Docker, So Lightweight

Don’t want to install the CLI tool on your system? No problem! OpenHubble CLI is so lightweight, you can run it directly through Docker. Simply pull the image and run the commands without any installation hassle:

docker pull openhubble/cli

Everything you can do with the installed CLI, you can do with the Docker image—it’s a flexible and convenient option for those who want to skip the installation.

Open Source for Flexibility and Contribution

The OpenHubble CLI is open-source, meaning it’s fully customizable to fit your needs. Feel free to inspect, modify, and even contribute back to the project. The community-driven nature of the tool ensures that it will evolve and improvebased on real-world use cases.

Check out the code on GitHub and become part of the open-source revolution.